Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The first thing I've learned from Dragon Age: Origins...

--Post Unrelated to Mandatory Course Posts--
Resting on one's laurels.
Now I didn't think I was one to do such a thing. However, as of late I've realized that this idiom rings true. This idiom means that a person becomes satisfied enough with their accomplishments to stop working towards new goals.
I realized recently (after hearing the phrase in a video game) that I've been doing this since finishing my Term paper. Now it was a rather difficult task, but that in no way gives me the right to stop writing these blog posts for so long a time.
This post is essentially an apology to my (mostly imaginary) audience for resting on my laurels. I assure you that like the first set of posts I shall be attempting to organize my thoughts and tackle several of said posts in rapid succession.

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